Wednesday, October 29

Elevator Moods

So I've using stumble upon to fix my boredom of life and I actually came across a very interesting website. Kinda creepy in a way but really dark and artistic. Give it a glance if your bored.

Lily Allen New Album

So plenty people know I have a very diverse taste in music. After hearing a few things about Lily Allen a while back I decide to give her a listen and I instantly fell in love. Her first album, "Alright, Still", was just amazing from start to finish and I'm hoping the second album will do better. The new cd, "It's Not Me, It's You", is set to drop in February of 2009 and will feature the following 12 tracks.
Track listing::

'Everyone's At It'
'The Fear'
'It's Not Fair'
'I Could Say'
'Go Back To The Start'
'Never Gonna Happen'
'Fuck You'
'Who'd've Known'
'He Wasn't There'

Vote.... Or Bleed!

Just watch...

Monday, October 27

Obama Vs. McCain

Bail Me Out 2!

That's what she said...

Guy With Downs Syndrome Gets KO'd After Kicking 4 Year Ol

So apparently the guy who kicked the kid has Down Syndrome. Before anyone even thinks about feeling sorry for him, I believe it's safe to say that neither of them knew better. So oh well! But it's pretty darn funny to watch!

If I had a kid and someone went up to try to kick him, I'd have done the same thing. I don't care what their deal is!

Saturday, October 25

Not One, Not Two, But THU-REE!!!

Anyone remember this chick from the Maury Show? Well guess what, she got knocked up. And has a myspace. Stop hatin' guys.

My ears are bleeding.

Game Over

This video pleasantly surprised me! Nominated for best comedy video of 2007 on Youtube Awards, this is definitely worth watching whether you're a Super Mario fan or not!

Friday, October 24

Oh Snap!

Oh man, this is just... awesome.

SNL October 24, 2008

Well I know how many people are out and about on Thirsty Thursday and don't get chance to catch the SNL Update Thursday, I'm post a video clip to catch you up. Enjoi!

Wednesday, October 22

Last 2 Days

So the last two days of my life has been an adventure to say the least. On Monday I went down to a local art bar, The Black Market, and was given the opportunity to take some photography of an up and coming band called Health. The band derives from Los Angeles, Ca and will begin a world tour on October 28th, opening for Nine Inch Nails. Their sound is hard to categorize but an experimental wave of aggression and passion can be heard in every song. After the show was over, I was able to meet up with the band members and get some background on the guys. soon after, my friends and I were ready to pack up and call it a night. As we approached our vehicle the drummer from the Health invited us to come hang out at a local house and just chat. We attended and had a great time socializing and grooving to some house and electronic music. Just a great end to a great night!

So the following day two of my friends decided to just take it easy and hang out downtown. We walked the streets for a while and took some pictures of the area. As we walked around my friend insisted that we stop by the Camino Real Hotel and check out some of the art inside. We entered this beautiful building and did some browsing. As soon as I saw the bar, I had to go take a closer look. I must say, this the most beautiful bar I've seen in my entire life. Elegant and sophisticated, I immediately felt out of place. As I looked towards the ceiling, I couldn't believe my eyes! A wonderful and breathe taking original Tiffany dome covers the ceiling. I quickly snapped a few photographs of this marvel and asked an employee for a bit of history on the dome. He explained the name of the bar is the Dome Bar is is ranked as one of the top twelve bars in the world. The Tiffany Dome is a priceless piece and can not be insured! Anyways, we decided continue on our adventure downtown and relieve the guest of the hotel of our presence. We went, literally, across the street to the Plaza Theatre and began snapping a few photographs. Within seconds, an older gentleman approached me and asked me what I was doing. It seemed a bit odd that he would approach me, but I responded with, "Just taking some pictures". They man seemed very excited for some reason and continued to invite me to take some pictures of his event that was being held in the theatre. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity so I happily accepted. So, my friends and I entered the bar area of the Plaza and followed the man around while taking pictures and meeting all of his friends. We shortly found out this was actually a movie premier for the PBS documentary, Medal Of Honor, and they just happened to forget to hire a photographer! Just my lucky day I guess.

So after I made my rounds I thought they would just kick us out and drop me a contact card. No, Instead we were invited to hang out for the rest of the night. The kind man introduced us to the director of the film, Roger Sherman, and afterwards, directed us to the open bar and the buffet. At this point of the night, I couldn't imagine things getting any better but of course things actually did! 5 vodkas and collins later, Roger invites us to watch the movie and hands us VIP passes! We gladly accept the invitation and proceed to the theater area. Just another fantastic sight to see in El Paso!

Anyways, we sat through this very powerful and informative movie and it almost brought tears to my eyes. As the movie ended my friends I stood up and gave the film a standing ovation! After a few short words from Roger Sherman we were started to exit the building. On our way out, we ran into Roger and thank him for allowing us to view his film and congratulated him on his magnificent film. As we chatted, a man we met previously in the Plaza Bar invited all of us back over to the Dome Bar for a cocktail.

Ok, so we just had the most amazing night ever and to end it, we are offered a cocktail in the a world famous bar! Anyways, we spend about 3 hours talking politics and drinking margaritas with some really nice people to end our wonderful night. One of the greatest experiences of my life and I hope to have plenty more in the near future.

Tuesday, October 21

Can't Smile? Get A Smile Trainer!

Clearly, this is a worth-while investment. Who wouldn't want one of these???

I'm sorry but this is making laugh wayyyy too hard, hahahaha. I mean, SERIOUSLY???? It's about $8 and you can find them at Hooray for happy rubber mouth pieces!

Monday, October 20

100th Post & A Video Blog

Hey guys, aMAEzing! here.

Not only is this KTN's 100th post, this is also the debut of our first video blog. For our readers who listen to alternative and rock music you will definitely want to check this out.

Los Angeles has a local band called Impel. They're good friends of mine and Twist and I figured they'd be a good subject for video blog numero uno. You will have to excuse the bad editing but I made this video in about an hour at like 3am haha.

Have a look, have a listen:

Thanks for reading and we always appreciate feedback!

Sunday, October 19

Local Vs. Organic

I watched this video on current today and I think its very informative. I will just let the video do the explaining.

SNL w/ Palin Rap

I'm a little confused... Doesn't this video make you dislike Palin just that much more? I congratulate her for coming on SNL after all the negative press they gave her but this just looks like another epic fail for Palin. I missed SNL last night so I'm actually trying to find the whole episode right now but I was really interested in what everyone else thinks about this video. Don't get me wrong, this video is hilarious and it makes it that much sweeter being a supporter of Obama. But Republicans, you must be sick of Palin by now! Anyways, let us know what you think.

Stand By Me and Vote!

( Vote for Freedom )

I don't care who you vote for honestly. I am personally voting for Obama and I'm pretty sure aMAEzing is as well. We still want every person (especially young people) to hit the polls and vote. Even if you voting for McCain or somebody else, please vote! We've had a complete moron in office for the last 8 years and it really is time for a change! We need to make our voices heard and the first step is putting someone in office that isn't partially retarded.

Friday, October 17

50 Cent Tv Show: The Money & Power

So I've honestly not watched MTV in a few months now for personal reasons and also due to the lack of anything interesting on the station. After Music Television abandoned playing music on television, I abandoned watching as much as I could. Not too long ago I read an article about MTV's hit show TRL being canceled in the near future. It was refreshing to hear this and I thought MTV maybe thought to change directions and put some substance back into its broadcast. Of course my optimism always seems to be my down fall. Instead of putting something worthwhile on, they chose to make a show around the rapper 50 cent. They actually decided to give this guy a television show! I'm not a hater and I give the man credit for coming from the streets and becoming a multimillionaire, but... Come on. Seriously. This guy can hardly even speak English. I can pretty much make out three words in every sentence that he speaks. So I hope this new "reality/scripted" show flops for my devilish satisfaction but it probably won't. If Flavor Flav could last for 3 seasons and then land a brand new reality show, I'm quite sure 50 will at least get 2 seasons. Well enjoy the video and listen to the last line. *sigh*. I'm sure there will be lots more witty 50 cent one liners in the near future.

Thursday, October 16

Oct. 15, 2008 Presidential Debate

I'm posting this just in case anyone missed the live debate last night. It was actually pretty good and stayed on course for the most part. This is the final debate between senator Barack Obama and senator John McCain. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the debate and who you thought won. Well enjoy the video, I will try to locate a high resolution video and replace this one.

Just One More Reason YOU Should Vote

To simply counter these retards votes!

Wednesday, October 15

Watch The Debate Live HERE!

As soon as the debate begins tonight, this video will begin to stream. If you have a twitter account you will be able to post your opinions on the bottom of the LIVE stream! Hope to see a lot of people on here. For more information on how to do this read below:


1. Tune in on October 15th at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST for the Live Presidential Debate. Find Current TV on your local cable/satellite provider or come here to watch the live stream of our broadcast.
2. Make sure you've registered with Twitter to participate. NOTE: You'll need to have your Twitter timeline set to public to participate.
3. During the debates, chime in by including "#current" in your tweet. Example:
"This discussion about universal healthcare makes me want to pop some pills! #current"
4. We won't be able to air every single tweet on TV, but you can see all of the #current tweets by searching #current on Twitter search.
5. If you have any questions about participating, send us a tweet @current.

So head over to twitter and make an account. You can add me to your friends list as well. My screen name is Twistisking. Just search for me and click Follow.

Holla, $5 Footlongs At Subway, Yo!

Oh, Subway. Must you keep giving us reasons to head to Quiznos?

The sandwich chain decided they were going to get hip and add images, sounds, and activities that would appeal to urban youth, adults, or what have you.

My personal opinion? Looks like a bunch of racist, stereotypical bullshit to me. The main image you see when you head over to their website is a picture of Abraham Lincoln wearing aviator glasses, bling, and a headband that is embroidered with, "Home of da $5 footlong."


But it doesn't stop there. You can send CUSTOM HOLLAZ to peeps. Featuring email hollaz or text hollaz. Gotta let your homies know what's up! You can text them things such as "Sup boo! I'm 'bout to destroy a $5 footlong @ Subway. Meet me there directly and bring ur A game."

Honestly, I think the entire thing is tasteless and tacky. I'm sure they thought they were being funny but the jokes on us, folks. I know that Subway is not a company who takes their marketing in a serious direction and the majority of their commercials and advertisements are comedic or silly... but this just struck a nerve.

So before you write it off as a joke, think about it. They might just be making a mockery out of YOU. Think of all the money those employed to create this ad were paid. They were paid to make a joke out of a big part of today's culture. Yeah, I'm sure they had a great laugh at our expense as they went to the bank to cash their checks.

See for yourself at Subway's website.

Makin' fun of minorities, holla!

Tuesday, October 14

Another Prank Call

Inspired by Twist's previous prank call post, I decided to share one of my personal favs.

This call was made using a soundboard! For those unfamiliar with what a soundboard is, it's a flash file (or whatever other programming/scripting platform) with a series of sound bytes of people's voices and sound effects.

The soundboard used was one of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the person called a place called The Gator Lodge.

Hallarious Prank Call

I really don't have much to say besides this is one of the funniest sound bytes I've ever heard in my life. This gives new meaning to "LOL"! Thanks to my friend Amanda for sharing this with me!

Firefox 3.1 Beta 1- Download Available!

(click to enlarge)

The new beta of firefox incorporates an amazing 3D tabbed browsing system which is very impressive. I just completed my upgrade on my main computer and I am already updating all of my others. I haven't ran into any noticeable issues or bugs in my brief exploration of the browser but I will be sure to update anyone if I run across any. Another great update is the javascript. Javascript performance is powered by the new TraceMonkey engine which you will need to enable in options.

If anyone is using this beta version of firefox, let me know what you think about the browser. Negative and positives? Leave a comment.

:Upgrade will break some add-ons.

Release Notes

Download PC
Download Mac

Stumbled Upon!

So my new favorite thing to do is "stumble upon" new things. The video above is something I just stumbled upon and loved! Its a pretty awesome way to waste most of your life but an excellent tool to make time fly in a boring class or a boring job! Basically, you sign up for an account, download a toolbar for your browser (not annoying or any adware) and set up your preferences by telling the website what your interested in. After that your ready to stumble upon something really cool! Click a button and you go a doorway to millions of websites that adapt to your interests! I was skeptical about this at first but most the post I have on here relate to my finds from stumble upon. So if you finding yourself bored at home, work or school, give it a try and add me as a friend on there.
(click to add me)

Monday, October 13

Bail Out Wall Street or Green Jobs?

Its funny that I stumbled across this article because I had an argument with a fellow classmate about this same issue. My argument was about the Wallstreet bail out plan and what it would do to the country. We are in essence investing money back into something that has proven to be corrupted and unreliable. We are fixing a debt but causing more debt without any reliable form of security on our investment. Its basically as simple as this. You go to Vegas and double up on your first bet. You continue this process for a few hours and while your on a roll you decide to go all in. You roll the dice and you crap out! Here is where things get tricky. So you've lost all your money and you need to get back home. You can either pull out exactly what you need to get back home and learn you lesson about gambling, or you can pull out the same amount and throw it all back on red. Now lets put this example into a new perspective. Wall street has been gambling with other peoples money for sometime now. These corrupted jerks finally crap out and put America on another "red alert" so to speak. Our government lets us know we are going to pull the money out of the tax payers hands and put it all on red and obviously let it ride until the big guy is satisfied. For some reason this option doesn't satisfy my needs or my safety. My idea was simple. How about we take half or all that money and invest it into something positive! Maybe some green jobs? Maybe help American become independent from foreign oils? They people laughed at my simplicity. The response I got was "There is too much risk involved in that".

"A new report just released by the U.S. Conference of Mayors says that we can create over 4 million green jobs if we aggressively shift away from traditional fossil fuels toward alternative energy and a significant improvement in energy efficiency.

Another report just released by the Political Economy Research Institute and the Center for American Progress shows that the U.S. can create two million jobs over two years by investing $100 billion in a green economic recovery plan. The report also shows that this investment would create four times more jobs than spending the same amount of money within the oil industry.

Green For All and its partners are proposing a Clean Energy Corps that includes a revolving loan fund to finance the ambitious retrofitting of the nation’s building stock. An investment of less than $3 billion per year would provide financing and can be expected to create close to 120,000 green jobs a year and 600,000 over five years, while also lowering home heating and electricity bills for homeowners and small businesses."

Palin Supporters Epic Fail

I'm really not trying to sway anyones vote with this post (well kinda) but this is just horrible. Sarah Palin supporters fail just as bad as the Katie Couric interview. I really don't understand how people can honestly look into a camera and call Obama a terrorist. "He got the bloodlines" is a direct quote from this video sample. That sounds like direct and blunt racism to me. "Theres more interviews on Sarah Pailn than there are with Obama." I'm just baffled right now by this video and I'm reconsidering my views on everyone being allowed to vote. These people obliviously have no idea what any of the candidates are about and only see one thing. Race! I am not directing my little rant about all Plain supports. This is just a direct snap at the people showcased in the video. I have had the chance to meet similar "fans" of Palin and they sounded fairly similar the ideas and thoughts of the people interviewed in this video. To say the least, this is just another set back in the McCain campaign.

Credited:: Gigio

105-year-old virgin says no sex the key to long life

A woman celebrating her 105th birthday says that celibacy and staying single has been the key to her long life.

Clara Meadmore, a retired secretary, who still has her own hair, teeth, and sharp wit, never had time for a family and lived alone until going into care.

She said: "I've always had lots of platonic friendships with men but never felt the need to go further than that or marry."

Miss Meadmore, who was born in Glasgow, and lived in Canada and New Zealand, before settling in Cornwall 40 years ago, also added that she had never had any interest in sex.

"I imagine there is a lot of hassle involved and I have always been busy doing other things," she said.

"When I was a girl you only had sex with your husband and I never married. I grew up in an era where little girls were to be seen and not heard so I had to learn to stand up for myself and earn my own living.

"Some men don't like that in a woman and before long I was too old to marry anyway."

I won't love you long time


Penguin... Still Free

"Ready, get set, go! On Oct 4th, after months of rehabilitation, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) released 372 Magellanic penguins in Brazil. Watch as they find their way back to the ocean:

The International Fund for Animal Welfare works to improve the welfare of wild and domestic animals throughout the world by reducing commercial exploitation of animals, protecting wildlife habitats, and assisting animals in distress. IFAW works around the world to rescue animals in harm’s way and to provide shelter and care for orphaned, injured, or mistreated animals, including stranded sea mammals and birds affected by oil spills." -

Credited to::

Greener Apples

Apple has stepped up to the plate and has joined in the "Greener" effort of America. Steve Jobs is in production of less toxic and easier to recycle 4th generation iPod nanos. Today, at the Apple event, Jobs addressed a few of the eco friendly upgrades the new wave of nanos will have:

Arsenic-free display glass
Construction free of Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs)
No use of mercury
No use of PVCs
Highly recyclable metal casings

"The new Nanos are priced at $149 for 8 GB storage and $199 for 16 GB. Featuring nine colors, an improved video display, and the addition of the motion-sensing accelerometer first introduced in Apple’s popular iPhone, they’re already onsale at the Apple Store. Retail outlets should stocked by this weekend." - Eco Tech Daily

Credited:: Green My Apple, Eco Tech Daily

Sunday, October 12

Flash Mob

So I'm sure people have seen things similar to this online, on television or in a magazine. This is the art of flashing and its growing in popularity all over the world. The concept officially dates back May of 2003 and was created by Bill Wasik. His intent was to poke fun at hipsters and create a type of social distortion. San Francisco and New York are probably the locations in America where this can commonly be found but Europe has taken on to this trend. Examples of Flashing are as followed.

Public pillow fights
Food fights
Large groups of people Freezing in a public place
MP3 public parties (Wear headphones and dance in large groups)

Thats a brief description of the fad but the list can go on for a while. I'll try to update everyone when a Flash Mob is coming to any major US city so you can bare witness or maybe participate in.

View More Videos
Wikipedia Information

Get Me The Funk Out Of Iraq

Yeah so I don't really know what to say about this one. One of the worst videos I've seen in my life but it gave me a laugh.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Moon Man Lands In Golf Course

When the guy gets off the cart, he actually acts like he is on the moon. Instant Classic!

Obama Video...

Seriously, why isn't there any positive McCain videos online? If anyone can find one, leave me a comment with a link to it. I'm very interested to see what it has to say.

Saturday, October 11

Hilary Hulk

Don't make her mad, this beezy is crazy.

Speaker at McCain rally says non-Christians want an Obama win

A pastor at a McCain rally said non-Christians are hoping for an Obama win.

DAVENPORT, Iowa (CNN) – A minister delivering the invocation at John McCain’s rally in Davenport, Iowa Saturday told the crowd non-Christian religions around the world were praying for Barack Obama to win the U.S. presidential election.

“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god—whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah—that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their God is bigger than you, if that happens,” said Arnold Conrad, the former pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport.

read more here

Marc Ecko Tags Air Force 1

View Website/

Transformer:: Jazz vs General

Friday, October 10


Justice is a group out of Paris, France and they are FUCKING A(MAE)ZING!

Vist Their Myspace

Bedouin Soundclash: 12:59 Lullaby

12:59 Lullaby

My favorite song... At least right now

McCain Defends Obama (Finally)

"McCain repeatedly made comments seeming to tamp down some of the harsher criticism of Obama from the crowd.

A man stood up and said he and his wife were expecting a child, adding, “We’re scared of an Obama presidency,” and went on to ask McCain about who he would appoint to the Supreme Court.

McCain began his answer by telling the crowd that Obama “is a decent person, a person you don’t have to be scared to be president.”

The statement drew loud boos.

- from

I have to say, I gained a lot of respect for John McCain after being able to view the video feed. It's about time he stepped up and told these ignorant Americans to stop the hateful whispers (some are actually shouts!) that he is an Arab and a terrorist. It just makes me sick that Americans could treat another American so disgusting. I'm searching for the video right now. I will post it as soon as I find it.

Knock Kncok..... Oh S#$@

Vist Webiste

8 Years Fast

Guy takes a picture of himself each day for 8 years. Turns it into a video on vimeo.

Visist Website
Read/View More


Scroll your mouse across the image above.

Creative Flame

Get it?

I love this picture so much. Very creative and imaginative!

Read/View More

The Banana: An Athiests Worst Nightmare

We can grip bananas guys, this means GOD IS REAL.

I'd bet a million dollars Palin would agree with this video.


SNL Oct. 9 2008

Bat Story


Worlds most dangerous drug....

Read/View More

Thursday, October 9

Annoying Blutooth

Bluetooth Annoyance Very Funny - Click here for the most popular videos

One of my favorite shows too :)

Wall Street Bull w/ Blue Balls

Wall Street explanation

Bansky's Pet Store


Kill The Messenge

Click me

Yeap.... I posted it...


Mac and Windows Hybrid

One of the coolest things I've seen in a while. Basically a hybrid of Windows and Mac for you UI. I wonder how smooth this thing runs.

Read More

Wednesday, October 8

Very Cute Monkey Waiter... Somehow This Just Seems Wrong.

But that money is just so cute in his little outfit.

Nation Debt

Just for informational purposes.

Police Racism and Brutality

So real talk.... Fuck El Paso Police!!

These racist ass bastards!! So I'm leaving the bar with my friends and a taxi cab/Van almost runs me over. I tap this guys window and tell him to watch where the fuck he is driving! He steps out on me and tries to get loud! I'm sorry but I'm from the Bay! I won't stand for this b.s! I tell him to get the F*&^ out my face and step off! He starts up with me and tries to be hard. I told him to get the F$#@ out my face and learn how to drive... The guy has the nerve to put his hand on me, so I push him off of me! Tries to say he will F*@# me up! So i say swing at me! This pussy starts yelling for the police! I tell him to bring them over because he is obviously drunk! Cops come over and tell me to cool down. I cool down and try to let them know whats going on. Before I get a sentence out, the cop pushes me (literally!) and tells me I should go home! I tell the cop no! I want to explain what happened! The cop pushes me in front of at least 40 witnesses and tells me to take my ass home! I tell him no! My rights are being violated! He tells me he will ticket me for drunk in public! I tell him my tax dollars pay for his services and I want my rights served.... instead of defending a pedestrian, he tells me to go home and forget about it! Are you fucking serious!?!?! No offense to my buds that were with me! but fuck that bull shit. I'm a fucking American and I have my rights. Do not tell me to bow down and move on! 4 white cops and one mexican cop tell me to leave due to one ass hole mexican driver! Bull shit. I will not be quiet! I will speak! I will be heard. After 20 minutes of people holding me back and telling me I have no voice over these bull shit cops, I tell these ass holes to take me to fucking jail so I can have an audience hear my story! All of a sudden the cops get quiet! Won't touch me and won't talk shit! You scary ass fucking bitch made EPT cops! Fuck you and your fucked up sense of empowerment! The people still have rights and I will die for my mediocre rights. Don't fear your fucking government or these bull shit cops! You have fucking rights and you fucks need to stand your fucking ground! If you let these people walk over you, then you nothing more than a wasted life! Impression me! I will still speak for the rights of the American people and you will never put shame upon me! People in El Paso! I hope you can stand up for your mother fucking rights! Never let these fucks with a badge and a gun hold you down! My best friend is a cop and is a respectable man in society, every cop should act the same and defend civilian rights no matter race, age or sex. Stand up for your rights! This is america! Speak and do not lay down for no man! We own the cops and we pay their salaries! The need to stand up for what is right! NOT for a race! 7 cops left me out to dry... My voice will be heard! Justice will prevail! I have a voice and I will speak my voice loud! Too many have died for freedom and out CIVIL RIGHTS! FUCK EPT POLICE!!! YOU FUCKING PUSSIES! I will not be quiet! I will be loud and PROUD! GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! I REPEAT! GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH... I WILL NOT HOLD ONE SOUND BACK! I AM AMERICAN AND I HAVE MY FUCKING RIGHTS.

Tuesday, October 7

Best Comic Movie Speech!

Profound and bold. Fear tactics are bull shit. "Freedom Fairness and Justice are more than words they are perspectives!"

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

Devil's Breath/Angels Trumpet

One of the most dangerous drugs ever.

Great Film! Boy-A

This is a great movie which shows how society works. It's a movie I would advise everyone to watch. I personally give it 5 out of 5 stars! Rent it, Buy it, Just watch it!

America: Freedom to Fascism

Great full length movie about Federal Income Tax

Zeitgeist Addendum and Zeitgeist

( Zeitgeist 1 )

( Zeitgeist Addendum)

Homer Simpsons Votes!

Irony... Isn't it great!

Poem- Blueberries

Fields of blueberries fill my dreams
Watching rain kiss the skin of these
Rays of light reflect back to the sun
The taste is a delight, replicated by none

This dream is a blessing for all to dissect
Laid down these words to become your subject
Confusion maybe but blunt as can be
These blueberry fields, are the place for me

Poem- Old Liberty

Really not trying to offend anyone with this poem, its just how I feel about things...

With every empty promise and insignificant word
Our American dreams lose relevance and start to sound absurd

Tell me to to fight for freedom and I should be a patriot
But greed and oil and wars of such, fills our land with idiots

When bothers lay down motionless and mothers cry over this
Preach your words of patriots, I will not be part of this

Poem- Coward inside

Just a little something I was working on.... Enjoi

Never seem to find my voice
The expression is there, its there I swear
Mind is on lock, randomized by the second
It leads to dark corners, transforming to depression
This one question plagues my mental
Am I going insane? Am I insane?
Chaos in my brain is plain to see
Is this the man I'm destined to be?
When the razor blades taste my skin
Pain sounds silence, my eyes smell the violence
Today is shortly forgotten and replace by a new
Life seems much better, from a birds eye view

Monday, October 6

First Wave of Photography!

Just getting my feet wet with my new camera. My first paid shots that I quick edited. I think for the most part they turned out pretty decent. It was my first time shooting in low light with my new flash so I had to do a bit of experimenting. After I got my settings on point, It got easier. More to come soon!


Thursday, October 2

Vote Nigga

Funny Music Video... OBAMA WAY!

Free Conspiracy Movie About 9/11