Tuesday, September 30

Vote NO On Prop. 8

I'm really pissed off about this. I can't believe people are so cruel and simple minded to back this Prop. I don't care if your religious, you have to know backing this is wrong. Love is love and it should be shared as anyone feels fit. California is not a christian state! California is a state of diversity and many cultures. We should be happy we have a state where anyone who is in love can have the pleasure of getting married. It shouldn't effect anyone else that two people had a ceremony to express their love to each other. Fuck Prop 8. What if there was a proposition that said no interracial marriage? It is equally unpatriotic and goes against everything America is supposed to stand for! If you Vote for Prop 8 then you honestly vote against freedom.

Palin + Magazine= WTF!?

So... Which newspaper or magazine did you read? Can you read?

Jack Cafferty Blows Up!

After Jack Cafferty was finished with his small rant, I took a few seconds and thought to myself. "What does he really think of Sarah Palin?" This lady is just digging her own grave. Wait til you see the next Palin post. It gets worse!

McCain, Palin, and Couric....

I'm really not trying to be biased here but it seems like McCain is trying to play hard ball and clean up the mess Palin has created. It looks like he is doing a poor job.

Sunday, September 28

The Corrs Cover Hendrix

Pretty wild!


I know people think I'm a jerk for posting this movie but.... I really don't care. I've seen tons of clips from this movie and its just hilarious. If you are religious, you can still watch the movie. Just don't take it serious. Its comedy with some intelligent alternative views.

Official Website

Slow Motion Awesome

Just click play

Tina Fey Strikes Again!

Even the guys over at CNN got a laugh out of this. I had a tear in my eye from laughing too much.

Saturday, September 27

Horse Shit?

If you listen carefully you can hear McCain say "Horse shit". I thought I heard him say this when I watched the debates live but I wasn't too sure. After using my DVR to check, I was amazed at what I heard. A quick youtube and I found tons of people who share the same belief as I do. Obviously McCain can not control his emotions during a simple debate, I want to see what he says when its time to make important decisions that will affect the country.

Does anyone else agree about what they hear in this video? It sure sounds like "Horse shit" to me!

Read more

Change Not Coin

Friday, September 26

The Feeling Is [Washington] Mutual

Sarah Palin Disney

Fuck The Bail Out

Everyone Nose Remix

I really like this video!

Thursday, September 25

Tiger Jesus Woods?


One of my favorite directors, Fernando Meirelles, is at it again with Blindness. You might recognize some of his work from City of God, City of Men and The Constant Gardner. The movie is release October 3 2008, so check it out!

Polar Bear Cannibalism

"[Polar bears] are dependent on the Arctic sea ice for all of their essential behaviors, and as the ice melts and global warming transforms the Arctic, polar bears are starving, drowning, even resorting to cannibalism because they don't have access to their usual food sources," said Kassie Siegel, staff attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity.

Read more

Sarah Palin on Foriegn Policy...

Watch CBS Videos Online

This is really just sad. I'm honestly have nothing... nothing to say about this clip. It is completely self explanatory

David Blaine Vs. Kimbo SLice


T-Mobile G1 Andriod

This phone is great. Thats all I can really say...

More Info
Official Site

Wednesday, September 24

Palin.... Epic Fail

Rawnda Genocide Stands Trail

David Letterman Reacts to John McCain Suspending Campaign

Google Offers 10 Million!

Got a great idea that can help the world? If you do, google is willing to pay 10 million dollars to celebrate there 10th birthday. Google has named this "Project 10^100" (pronounced "10 to the 100th"). The ideas can be on a small or large scale, as long as it has impact!

"These ideas can be big or small, technology-driven or brilliantly simple -- but they need to have impact," said Google in a press release. "We know there are countless brilliant ideas that need funding and support to come to fruition."

If you are interested in pitching your idea for this project, check out http://www.project10tothe100.com/index.html before October 20th, 2008.

For more articles like this one, check out Current

Boing Boing TV Goes To Africa

Really awesome stuff happening in West Africa. In the nation of Benin, a green tech project is designed to develop a new generation of "agricultural entrepreneurs". The project is called The Songhaï Center and its pretty amazing. The video Below is very informative and inspirational.

To read more about this story please check out BBTV World

Fart = Battery

Crazy story I just read on Boing Boing. The story speaks for its self so I will just paste it.

A man arrested for driving under the influence in West Virginia got himself into a lot more trouble later at the police station.

Jose Cruz was pulled over Monday night on Route 60 in South Charleston for driving with his headlights off. He was subsequently arrested after failing a series of sobriety tests, according to WSAZ TV in Charleston.

During fingerprinting, Cruz then allegedly moved closer to one of the officers and passed gas, the station reported. In the complaint, the investigating officer wrote that police noticed a "very strong" odor.

The alleged stunt led Cruz to be charged with another offense — battery on an officer — in addition to DUI and obstruction, WSAZ report

Tuesday, September 23

Bill Nye... He's Back!

You all probably remember sitting in science class and knowing there is an educational video coming later in the day. You probably remember just hoping it was Bill Nye instead of one of the still current but produced in 1920 movies in black and white. Well anyways, Bill Nye "The science guy" was aired from 1993-1997 and held 100 episodes. In 2005 he created a show called "The eye of Nye", which was directed to an older audience. After this he dabbled around with a few other shows that didn't really go anywhere but now it seems he has settled down with Planet Green Channel and will host a new show called Stuff Happens. I've caught one episode and so far it seems very good. If you get Planet Green Channel in your area, try to catch the show!


Pretty useful application for the iPhone has been released. It is called iNap and its a fairly simple app. Basically through GPS, iNap will let you know when you get close to a destination. At first I chuckled and thought how stupid this sounded but after giving this a bit of thought, I changed my opinion. I've had long bus and train rides when I've missed my stop because I was sleeping, on my laptop or on my phone and not paying attention. Through the GPS function, minutes before you arrive at your destination, you phone can ring, vibrate or what ever function you have specified; to let you know its time to exit your public transportation. I don't have an iPhone yet but this does sound pretty cool and i would like to give it a try.


(Thanks to lifehacker.com for the information on this software.)

Format Factory

Nothing is better than free software that is actually useful! I have been looking for a program that will easily let me change the format of video files for easier streaming to sources like my Playstation 3. I've used plenty of different programs but everything seemed to suck up my computer resources and also took an extended amount of time. Some of these programs would get to the 100 dollar market which is totally ridiculous in my opinion. Format Factory is quick, simple and easy. I suggest everyone take some time to check out this program, especially the ipod users.

Format Factory

(Thanks to lifehacker.com for the information on this software.)

Sweet Video...

Monday, September 22

Michael Moore New Film

I haven't had the chance to watch this movie but I intend to do so some time tomorrow when I get a break in my schedule. This movie is available LEGALLY streaming and for download at http://slackeruprising.com. You never really know exactly what to expect from Mr. Moore, but I'm sure it will filled with intriguing conspiracies.

Tap water vs Bottled water ?

A problem I've had for a long time is getting the attention that it rightfully deserves. For years I've questioned the benefits versus the repercussions of the bottled water industry and now I'd like to share some of my findings. The price of bottled water is on average 5 cents per ounce. This is the mathematical theory if bought from a vending machine for a dollar a bottle. Certain store bought bottles are significant more in price, including Fuji. The average price for gasoline is on average of 3 cents per ounce and there are 128 ounces in a gallon. Do the math. Also buying bottled water uses tons of gas due to the the transportation of the water supply. This releases more emissions into the air and increases global warming.

This is a direct quote from http://lighterfootstep.com

"Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year. According to Food and Water Watch [ http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/bottled ], that plastic requires up to 47 million gallons of oil per year to produce. And while the plastic used to bottle beverages is of high quality and in demand by recyclers, over 80 percent of plastic bottles are simply thrown away.

That assumes empty bottles actually make it to a garbage can. Plastic waste is now at such a volume that vast eddies of current-bound plastic trash now spin endlessly in the world’s major oceans. This represents a great risk to marine life, killing birds and fish which mistake our garbage for food.

Thanks to its slow decay rate, the vast majority of all plastics ever produced still exist … somewhere."

A lot of people do not realize this but most bottled water is equal or less healthy as your normal American tap water. I have stopped buying bottled water and now carry a reusable water container with me. Its a small and simple change in my lifestyle but it can help so much more!

For more information on this topic please visit the following links..




For some eco friendly reusable water bottles please check out these links

Eco-Friendly with Amazon

Toms Shoes

A very simple and interesting concept has gained my attention and deserves a minute of your attention. A shoe company that wants to sell so it will be able to give!? Well this is something very inspirational to me and I plan on buying a few pairs from the company. The principal is plain, clear and direct. The customer buys a pair of shoes and Toms will give a child a pair of shoes. So far over 10,000 shoes have been given to children in Argentina and over 50,000 in South Africa from the purchases of their customers. If your need of a pair of shoes or just want to do something positive, please check out this website and at least pass the link on to a friend.

TOMS Shoes
(Website was found thanks to Current.com & CurrentTV)

First Blog

I've tried the blog thing in the past and pretty much gave up very quick. I think this time I'm going to put a little more effort and content into this one and see if people are really interested in my average and amusing life. Well I am honestly exhausted from my day of school but I have a lot of information to share. I will probably post something a little more interesting in a few hours; I want to get this page looking a little unique first.